How I’d Style: Lady Bug Top from Jacqui-E
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Im a huge fan of red and black together as well as polka dots, but whenever I see the two together I think of lady bugs! Anyway I saw this really cute cardigan at Jacqui E last week so I thought I’d have a go at styling it -and hopefully in a way that doesn’t look too lady buggish.
I think staying away from solid black in the outfit as well as adding an extra colour (such as pink or orange) helps break up the pattern.
What do you think? How do you think it looks?
How would you style something like this?
Actually I think I really quite like this top. I found a similar one available in the US too.
Jacqui E (Australia) /// Forever 21 (USA/International)
Linking up with: Style Sessions, My Girlish Whims, Random Wednesday
