Life Lately

Mini-Yellow-Roses---Bit-Square-BlogMini Yellow Roses in a cute, doughnutshaped vase.

Spring-Blossom---Bit-Square-BlogSpring blossom on the fruit trees.

Crocus Purple Spring---Bit-Square-BlogThe first crocus.

Lime-Balm-Plant---Bit-Square-BlogA Lime Balm plant I got from Kmart! I never knew there was such a thing. Can’t wait to try this as a tea later in the season (imagine it’s good with fruit salad too).

I’ve been spending quite a bit of time in the garden lately (as I’m sure you can tell from all these pics here and from earlier this week too!). I’ve definitely been enjoying the warmer weather lately and loving seeing so much colour about again. Hope you have a great weekend!

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